Igbo Catholic Community
New York  @ Angela Merici  Catholic Church
917 Morris Avenue, Bronx, NY 10451
About Us
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Asusu Igbo 

Na Aha Nna, Na Nwa, Na Muo Nso. Amen.
Welcome to Igbo Catholic Community


Typical of Jesus Christ, he began his public ministry by teaching us of the importance of prayer and fasting. He locked himself up in a desert, away from the distractions, bubbling and fantasies of the World to engage Himself and His God about His Mission. He went to fortify Himself prayerfully for the task ahead. The fruits were enormous because right after the lengthy prayers and fasting, He was tempted and He shunned the tempter. He sure made a fool of the devil and the angels of God were truly proud of him. We are invited to join Him in this year's Lenten observance by withdrawing ourselves from so many things or people that pose a threat to our spiritual and moral growth. Just find time to step aside in your own desert and engage yourself and your God. Make this year's lent fruitful and beneficial to you and your family, friends and relatives and even your neighborhood and this worshipping community. Engage yourself in true and sincere prayers. Ask for the Mercy of God as we celebrate the Year of Mercy. Do not brood over your sins, rather, plan for true confession and do required fasting and penance. Do not let this Lenten season pass by without harnessing the spiritual fruits of it. His grace is enough for us as we beckon on Him to teach us how to do a good Lenten observance.

Happy Sunday!!!


Our mission is to establish a thriving Catholic ethnic community for the Igbo Diaspora in New York. We seek to build a community that galvanizes and serves as a rallying point, a fountain of hope, and a forum for the worship of Almighty God in Igbo language and in accordance with the Roman Catholic faith. We envision a community that preserves and perpetuates the Igbo culture, language, social values, charity, and our Roman Catholic heritage through evangelization, catechesis, Bible studies, and advancement of Catholic principles and ideals.